Úvod » AJA Video » AJA 3GAM miniconverter


AJA 3GAM miniconverter


Číslo produktu: AJ-3GAM
Výrobce: AJA Video
Provedení, rozhraní:
Operační systém:
28 590 Kč (cena uvedena bez 21% DPH)

HD10AM : HD/SD-SDI 8 Channel AES Embedder/Disembedder

Dual rate 8 channel AES audio embedder/disembedder. 3GAM umí embedovat (disembedovat) AES digitální zvuk na (z) 3G-SDI. Disembedder s permanentně aktivovanými 4 AES výstupy. AES vstupy jsou předeveny na synchronní 48kHz k video vstupu. Včetně 8 x XLR breakout cable.


The HD10AM is a dual rate 8 channel AES audio Embedder/Disembedder. The Disembedder is always functional providing 4 AES outputs. The Embedder is user selectable, on a channel pair basis, to either "pass" SDI
input audio or embed input AES audio from the breakout cable. AES inputs are sample rate converted to a 48KHz rate synchronous to the video input. The HD10AM automatically detects and configures to the input video
standard. 8 x XLR breakout cable included.

• Dual rate HD/SD-SDI Embedder/Disembedder
• 8 Channel AES I/O
• Supplied breakout cable for balanced AES - XLR connectors
• HD-SDI/SDI input, 2 HD-SDI/SDI outputs
• Dipswitch configuration
• DWP-U-R1 Power Supply Included

• HD SMPTE 292/296M
• SD SMPTE 259M (Automatic Configuration)

Video Inputs:

Video Outputs:
• follows input, 2 x HD/SD-SDI BNC

Audio Inputs:
• 4 x AES 110 ohm XLR

Audio Outputs:
• 4 x AES 110 ohm XLR

AES audio:
• SMPTE 272M/299M, 24 bit, 48KHz synchronous

User Controls:
External Dipswitch
• Embedder on/off, Ch pairs 1/2 - 7/8
• Input group select, 1/2, 3/4
• Output Group Select, 1/2, 3/4
• SRC Bypass

• 5.8" x 3.1" x 1" (147 x 79 x 25 mm)

• +5-18VDC, 5 watts
